Register Guest



Guest Registrant
An Individual who is invited to attend an event by someone who has already registered for the event.

Example: Examples of Guest Registrants: meal guest, spouse, guest to a social function within the event, guest for a golf tournament, guest for an exhibit or trade show, etc.

The guest you are registering does not need an Individual Profile in the database.

The UseCustomerRecordsForGuestRegistrations system option may also be used to determine if a database record or badge information only is used when registering a guest.

Registering a Guest

From the Events Registrant Profile

To add a guest from the Events Registrant Profile page, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose a method above to go to the Events Registrant Profile page for the Individual registering the guest (not for the guest).
  2. Click the Registrant Actions fly out menu and select register guest. If your event has fees, the Add Guest Registration wizard opens. If there are no event fees, the Event Guest Registration window opens.
  3. Fill in the Add Guest Registration wizard.
  4. Or fill in the Event Guest Registration window using the descriptions in the table below:
    Field NameRequiredDescription
    (Badge) Name  
    (Badge) Organization Name  
    ADA & Special Dietary Needs  
  5. Click Save to save your changes and return to the Events Registrant Profile. Adding a guest in netFORUM creates the following: An Events Registrant Profile page for the guest with the Guest of field added to the right Profile Information Panel. The Events Registrant Profile for a guest is different since guests do not have the ability to add their own guests. Guest Registrants do not see the Guest Registrant icon or guests child form on their Profile page. netFORUM adds the guest as a registrant against the event's total capacity.

    And the Guest Registrant's information displays in the guests child form of the Event Registrants Profile of the individual inviting the guest.